Louisville, KY Weddings

16 Wedding Videographers

WedFolio lists 16 videographers serving Jefferson County, KY, including Louisville, Fisherville, Eastwood, Masonic Home, Glenview, and Fairdale, Kentucky.

View All 16 Louisville Videographers

Featured Videographers Serving Louisville:

1  First String Media

Lexington Videographer

  • First String Media - Lexington KY Wedding

2  Ginger Snaps Photo/Video

Lexington Videographer

We’re a fire-headed photo/video twosome. Our interests include making your wedding photos look amazing.

  • Ginger Snaps Photo/Video - Lexington KY Wedding

3  millsfilms

Fort Mitchell Videographer

artistic wedding video journalism a combination of documentary content together with cinematic texture.

  • millsfilms - Fort Mitchell KY Wedding

Related Louisville Videographer Searches:

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