Peoria, IL Weddings

18 Wedding Videographers

WedFolio lists 18 videographers serving Peoria County, IL, including Peoria, Dunlap, Hanna City, Peoria Heights, Brimfield, and Elmwood, Illinois.

View All 18 Peoria Videographers

Featured Videographers Serving Peoria:

1  Video Dreams Productions

East Peoria Videographer

  • Video Dreams Productions - East Peoria IL Wedding

2  EMP Photobooth

Charleston Videographer

Every Moment Productions is a Charleston, Illinois-based production company specializing in wedding videography. Our goal is to make each wedding fun and enjoyable for all parties involved, tailoring each video to meet your individual needs with packages that can meet anyone's budget. We travel all over the Central to East Central Illinois area, including Pana, Terre Haute, Effingham, Champaign, Decatur, Danville, and their surrounding areas.

  • EMP Photobooth - Charleston IL Wedding

3  Treetop Productions

Petersburg Videographer

Wedding Videos capture the majesty of a large church wedding or the intimacy of a smaller wedding in a park, a vineyard or next to a lake. The movie highlights below reflect the beautiful day, the church setting and the happy couple on the most important day of their lives. Their wedding was filmed in high definition and the finished Blu-ray version features stunning quality that can’t be captured in a web movie. To see samples of our work, please call us for a free consultation.

  • Treetop Productions - Petersburg IL Wedding

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