New Albany, IN Weddings

12 Wedding Videographers

WedFolio lists 12 videographers serving Floyd County, IN, including New Albany, Greenville, Floyds Knobs, Mount Saint Francis, and Georgetown, Indiana.

View All 12 New Albany Videographers

Featured Videographers Serving New Albany:

1  First String Media

Lexington Videographer

  • First String Media - Lexington KY Wedding

2  Ginger Snaps Photo/Video

Lexington Videographer

We’re a fire-headed photo/video twosome. Our interests include making your wedding photos look amazing.

  • Ginger Snaps Photo/Video - Lexington KY Wedding

3  Duane Busick Videography

Bloomington Videographer

I have been self-employed as an event videographer in Bloomington, Indiana for 22 years and have worked in television for 36 years. My background includes work in television and radio news, public affairs programming and childrens television. I have taught video production to children for over thirty years. I enjoy putting technology in their hands and watching their self esteem grow along with their creativity. I cover over 150 events each year as an event videographer.

  • Duane Busick Videography - Bloomington IN Wedding

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